Just to give you an idea...

Pictures are displayed only to give you ideas of what can be done. Please contact me with your ideas to see if we can make it happen. Use the links below to find the perfect font(s) and design(s) for your next order!!

I don't have a big fancy commercial grade machine ((yet)) so I can't do it all but you'd be surprised at what I can do!

Prices listed are based on the picture shown - your price will be based on the overhead cost and the amount of time & how many stitches it takes!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kitchen Towels

These kitchen towels were made as 
Valentines presents for teachers!  
~ Cute and simple and can be used year round ~

$10 each

Company Shirts

My very first company shirt!!

Something similar to this would be $7

- the more you order, the more you save -

St. Patty's Day

$15 each

Bling-bling Lanyards

$15 for up to 1 yard of bling!

Easter 2012

$25 for 1
2 or more $20 each

Both bunnies are filled with "fur" (soft fleece)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Mardi Gras 2012


Shirts: $20
Tutu: Prices vary on size & fullness

(Rush fees may apply)